The Mic Time!

Picnic Provided

Today we see Jesus provide a picnic for well over 5000 people.  Here is a picture of the generous God, who provides more than enough.  It’s deeper though – he even fills our hearts with joy.

Just like the people at the picnic – they start hungry – so do we.  Sometimes we’re hungry for food – sometimes other things – we keep wanting more.  Only Jesus can really fill our hearts

Bible Bit

You can look up our story in the Bible – it’s in Luke’s Gospel chapter 9 verses 10-17.  Or if you’d prefer you can look it up here.

Activities & Crafts

Rock fish

Help us build a rock-fish this week.  Take a stone – paint it.  Then bring it along and add it to our fish – see video for more details…

Craft – Story Lunch-box

Memory Verse

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the person who goes to Him for safety.
Psalm 34v8