Christmas Offering

This Christmas we are raising money for the charity: Open Doors. Specifically Children of the global church who are particularly vulnerable to persecution. You can show them that they aren’t alone with your prayers and support. This Christmas, your gift can help young believers find community at a special Christmas gathering – and much more.

Regular Giving

We are passionate about knowing Jesus better and making Him better known.  We therefore ask all who consider themselves part of the Slade family to consider giving financially as well as contributing in other areas of church life.  Giving helps resource the church and bless the community.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). 

Online Giving

This is a useful way to make one-off payments.  Please be aware that there is a 2.4% + £0.20p transaction fee applied to card donations which you can choose to cover.  

(If you plan to donate regularly we would encourage you to use a different method of payment ie. standing order (see aside) or the envelope system please ask for details).

Gift Aid Form

As a charity, Gift Aid allows us to reclaim 25p of every £1 you give. This makes your gift even more valuable at no extra cost to you. Fill in our Gift Aid form online or download to fill in.  (Downloads to be handed/posted to the Church Office).

Standing Order

Using standing order is easy and ensures your giving for the Gospel work is regular and consistent.  Here are the church’s bank details to enable to you set up a regular standing order.

Account name: The Slade Evangelical Church.

Sort Code: 08 92 99

Account number: 65880582

More questions? Please get in touch

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Building Fund

We recently were excited to share with you the final part of our four-stage building project which was planned and agreed nearly four years ago. The updating of the main service area will complete this work, ensuring the whole building is fit for Gospel ministry for years to come.

We want to encourage all who consider the Slade to be their church family, prayerfully to consider giving to the building fund.  There are three ways in which you could contribute:



Bank Transfer
The best way to give is by bank transfer (giving the reference “Building Fund“). The church’s bank details are:
Account name: The Slade Evangelical Church
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account number: 65880582
By Cheque
Next best would be to send a cheque to our Treasurer Richard Evans:
Mr R Evans
The Slade Evangelical Church
The Slade
SE18 2NB
Give Online

You could also give by card via our website, but please note we pay an admin charge (2.4% of the total) for doing so, so the other options are better.



If you are unable to give at the moment, you might pledge to give money at a later date. For example, you could say “in 6 months time I will give x” or “over the next year I will give x a month”.

Just hit the button below and drop our treasurer an email with the details…


Offer Loan

You might have a lump sum that you will need in the future, but you could lend now as an interest-free loan. However, if you do, please don’t be offended if we say “no thank you” since there are a number of factors we need to consider in deciding whether it would be right. 

Just hit the button below and drop our treasurer an email with the details…

One important thing to consider is Gift Aid. If you are able to gift aid donations, please do, as that will allow us to claim an additional 25% from the government. If you haven’t already filled in a form, then you can download it here (then either email or post it to Richard):