June 21 – Half Term Hope
First Up – Well done! You’ve made it to half term. Here’s some encouragement to keep you going.

Mowing the lawn, fixing the shed or cooking up a storm this half term 😀? Here’s a great podcast to check out. Two Dad’s who are just working things out for themselves – great discussions with guests and each other over topics like: shift-work, movies, pop-culture, depression and discipleship… here’s a great episode to kick you off.. (also available on Android and iOS podcast apps).

Is your child starting to realise not everyone’s a Christian? Are they anxious or worried about the pandemic or maybe they’re just feeling a bit lonely at school at the moment? Here’s a great reminder that following Jesus means joining God’s Big Family ☺️. Our kids really enjoyed this event recently – full of songs, fun and great Bible truths…

We’ve heard about death a lot in the last year. Maybe it’s touched you personally or you’ve come close to loosing someone you love. Here’s an article I read recently ⚠️Warning ⚠️ this is a very sad story, but within it there a hope so deep sometimes you only realise fully at times like this.
If you’ve got any questions – please get in touch and I hope you have a good half-term.
God bless