Doing school at home
Just been dropped into doing school at home? We thought now was a helpful time for a short Q&A with someone in our church who’s been home-schooling for a while.
How is homeschooling is different from sending kids in to school. Thinking that to do school at home looks different practically – what does it look like for you guys?
The current situation with the covid-19 virus has forced many parents to home school who were certainly not prepared for it. Even for those of us who have been home educating for a while, things look vastly different with all our usual home educating groups and meetups cancelled. However, home educating can be a joy and a privilege, why not use this time to create memories and build up your children as we home educate [and spend much more time with them] them for this season?
Home school is not just doing school at home. Trying to recreate school within the home will cause stress and anxiety for both parent and child, and miss the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of being able to study at home. This is particularly true for parents who are juggling work and home school. Think quality rather than quantity. Think experience and depth rather than checklists and hours done.
We can encourage a love of learning by using the child’s natural curiosity about the world to learn!

Be patient with yourself and recognise some days will go really well and others just won’t, despite your best efforts.
We try to follow an order with these, however, as mentioned above, we often will go off on a tangent, exploring a concept we have read whilst doing reading practice. Or perhaps doing more maths one day or writing depending on my child. We will often break out into other topics that lead into each other. History may lead into geography as we learn about a certain time and country, or science may lead into crafts as we try and recreate a volcano. We can be flexible! We tend to have some ‘formal’ learning time in the morning and again in the afternoon. These can be fairly short to a couple of hours depending on how the children or me are doing! The afternoon is generally projects, crafts, and lots of reading. Read, read, read….we do a lot of read-aloud. The girls will play lego, lie ( or jump) on the sofa, colour, or sit in the garden while I read to them. I have been amazed at how much they have learnt just by listening to a book.
Homeschool tips…
Use resources available
Make a plan
Take a long term view
Younger Child too?
Read, read, read!!!
What opportunities does home-schooling provide in pointing our kids to Jesus?
Home education provides a wonderful opportunity to show our children how all learning should and can point us to God. Education should prepare us to reason clearly, speak eloquently, calculate accurately and write convincingly. Why? So that we can know God and his world better and make Him known.
Why? So that we can know God and his world better and make Him known.