Mission – India
On the 27th August, 11 enthusiastic young people from The Slade Evangelical Church boarded the BA 277 from Heathrow to Hyderabad.
We had gone, not for an extravagant holiday, but to meet with God’s people in India and to reach out to those our age by holding a series of Youth Conferences with the theme ‘Saying Yes to God’. We split the Youth Conferences into 5 sections, 3 being led by us young people, one being led by our pastor Chris and one by Edgar. The first was based on Moses’s sister Miriam, the second David and Goliath, the third Daniel and the fourth was about Jesus. Then Edgar gave the main preach, including an altar call in which hundreds committed their lives to follow Jesus.
We also visited 3 different churches in the regions of Andhra Pradesh and Kurnool and were able to support their services with music, testimonies and by bringing them the Word of God. Another key focus of the trip was visiting Native Upper Primary School in Chinamuthevi. We stayed in a town called Machilipatnam, where we were able to travel daily to the school to help the children with some lessons, and help build a boundary wall around the school. During our time at the school, we managed to help complete a large section of the wall, while enduring the blistering sun – something we are not accustomed to!
On-going support
The school seeks to provide a meal every day for the children as well as uniforms and the teachers need a salary and so the Slade will continue to help cover some of its daily costs over the next 2 years through a monthly donation. Individuals can also give to the work at the Chinamuthevi school via the Slade. If you’re interested in supporting this great project – please get in touch.