News, Books, Resources to help families of all shapes as sizes as we point our kids to Jesus.
Family Film Box
Connecting tales we love with God’s amazing story
12 Spies
Slade Kids StoriesThe Israelites rebelled against God because they did not trust Him. Jesus trusted God perfectly. He took the punishment we deserve for our sin, or rebellion against God. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin and gives us eternal life. Numbers...
The Tabernacle
Slade Kids StoriesGod instructed the Israelites to build a tabernacle where He would dwell with them. God desires to be with His people. As part of His plan to save sinners, God sent Jesus to “tabernacle,” or dwell, with people on earth. Exodus 35-40...
The golden calf
Slade Kids StoriesGod’s people sinned against God, and Moses asked God to forgive them. Moses acted as their mediator, standing for them before God. Moses could not do anything to make up for their sin, but we have a better Mediator—Jesus. Jesus paid for our sin on...

Beginners Gospel Story Bible
A great story Bible for pre-school kids. Every story ends with a question helping us to think through what the story teaches us.

Jesus Storybook Bible
A great story Bible for ages 4+ with each story pointing kids forward to God’s bigger plan.

NCV Children’s Bible
Easy to read Bible idea for kids aged 6+. Contains pictures, helpful footnotes & explainers to help kids understand God’s word.

Engage Youth Bible
NIV Bible to help kids engage with God’s word.
Parenting – Paul Tripp
In a world of too many parenting books 😧 – this stands out. It’s not a how-to guide or a new guru. It’s heart-targetting 🧡 Gospel principles, rooted deep in the Bible.
Loving the Little Years
Aimed at mums of younger kids. Here are some short devotions pointing to God’s truth. Written by another mum – living through the messiness, tough times and wonder of raising small children ☺️.
Pop Culture Parent
Finding your kids know more about Roblox, Fortnite and Marvel heroes than the Bible? Here’s a great practical resource – not about cutting those things out – but how we engage with culture and point out kids to Jesus 🤩.